Large air filter installed in an HVAC system

Understanding Air Filters for Your Burnaby Home

To ensure your family’s comfort and health, it’s crucial to maintain the cleanliness of your home’s indoor air, and home air filters play a vital role in this. However, choosing the most effective air filter can be challenging due to the various types and brands available. Moreover, regular HVAC maintenance in Burnaby is essential to keep your air filter functioning properly. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information to select and maintain your home air filters effectively.

Choosing the Right Air Filters

Understand MERV Ratings

Understanding the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is key when picking an air filter for your home. This rating, which ranges from 1 to 16, indicates the filter’s ability to capture larger particles; higher MERV ratings mean finer filtration. It’s important to strike a balance between the level of filtration and maintaining airflow—too high a MERV rating can restrict airflow. For residential use, a MERV rating between 8 and 13 is typically recommended, while higher values are reserved for healthcare or laboratory settings requiring stringent air quality.

Consider Your Needs

When choosing an air filter, consider your specific needs. For instance, if someone in your home has allergies or asthma, a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, known for capturing fine particulates like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites, might be necessary. However, remember that higher MERV ratings can affect airflow, so balance is crucial. Consulting with an HVAC professional in Burnaby can help determine the best filter for your needs.

Filter Size

Also, filter size is crucial for your HVAC system’s performance. A filter that’s too small or too large can compromise system efficiency and potentially cause damage. Measure your current filter or check the system’s manual to ensure you pick the correct size, ensuring optimal system performance and indoor air quality.

Large air filter installed in an HVAC system

Types of Air Filters


There’s a variety of air filters on the market, each with its pros and cons. Fiberglass filters are economical but offer minimal filtration. Though they need more frequent replacement, pleated filters provide better filtration and airflow. Reusable, washable filters require regular cleaning. Electrostatic filters, which use a static charge to attract particles, are effective but can restrict airflow. Choose the type that aligns with your needs and budget, considering factors like maintenance demands and filtration efficiency.

Maintaining Your Air Filter

Ensuring your air filter is consistently performing well involves replacing it periodically. A general guideline is to change your filter every one to three months but always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations. If your environment is dusty, you have allergies or you have pets, you might need to replace the filter more frequently. For furnace air filters, it’s essential to follow the schedule as a clogged filter can restrict airflow, forcing the furnace to work harder and potentially leading to higher energy bills, premature wear on the system, and even furnace malfunctions. Keeping your filter clean can help save on energy costs, reduce strain on your HVAC system, improve the air quality indoors, and contribute to a smoother-running furnace, potentially reducing the need for frequent furnace maintenance.


Hand holding a Dirty air filter next to a toolbox

Monitor Air Quality

Pay attention to your home’s air quality and replace the filter more promptly if you notice a decline in air quality or an increase in dust accumulation. Signs of deteriorating air quality include heightened allergy symptoms, musty or dusty odors, or visible dust on furniture. Consider getting an air quality monitor to track indoor air quality levels and adjust your filter change schedule accordingly. Regular filter changes can ensure efficient HVAC system operation and better indoor air quality.

Clean Surrounding Area

Maintaining clear and clean surroundings around your air filter is essential for optimal ventilation. Remove any debris, dust, or other contaminants from the area to prevent them from entering the filter and diminishing its efficiency. Regularly vacuum or dust around the filter area and ensure no obstructions block the return air vents. This practice helps sustain filter effectiveness and boost indoor air quality by facilitating better air circulation throughout your home.

Professional Maintenance

For optimal performance of your HVAC system, scheduling regular maintenance with a certified HVAC technician in Burnaby is key. A technician can inspect your system, replace the air filter, and carry out any necessary repairs or adjustments. Professional maintenance not only reduces energy consumption but also improves indoor air quality and extends the lifespan of your HVAC system. It’s recommended to arrange for maintenance annually, ideally just before the heating or cooling season begins, to ensure your system operates smoothly throughout the year.

HVAC technician inspecting and replacing an air filter

Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Improved Air Quality

Regular changes in air filters can significantly improve indoor air quality by trapping pollutants like pollen, dust, and other airborne particles. Clean air filters prevent these contaminants from circulating in your home, reducing the likelihood of allergies or respiratory issues. This contributes to a healthier living environment, enhancing overall well-being and reducing the risk of lung-related health problems.

Energy Efficiency

A clean air filter allows your HVAC system to operate more efficiently, using less energy and thus lowering your electricity bills. A clogged or dirty filter forces the system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature, leading to increased energy consumption. By regularly replacing your air filter, you can ensure your HVAC system runs as efficiently as possible, saving energy and reducing your environmental impact.

Extended System Lifespan

Proper maintenance, including regular filter replacements, can prolong the life of your HVAC system by reducing strain on its components. A clean air filter ensures smooth operation of the system, preventing overheating and preempting potential damages. This way, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements and enjoy reliable comfort in your home for years to come.


By understanding air filters and maintaining them properly, you can ensure your home has clean, healthy air year-round. Remember, if you have any questions about air filters, AC installation Services in Burnaby, repairs, or general HVAC maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable HVAC contractor in Burnaby. They can provide expert advice and ensure your home’s comfort all season long.



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